Selasa, 08 November 2011
Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011
ARTAV Antivirus – Internet Security
Berikut screenshot dari ARTAV Antivirus – Internet Security :
Perbaikan Fitur :
*Perbaikan Detect Virus Trojan Generik NOD32
*Perbaikan Uninstall Tidak Bersih
*Perbaikan ART-AnKey,Algorithma Code untuk mengelabui Keylogger
Penambahan Fitur :
*Penambahan 53 Variant Virus
*Penambahan Form Laporan Pemeriksaan
*Perubahan Tampilan Utama
*Menetapkan Hitam Sebagai Warna Default ARTAV
Download ARTAV Antivirus – Internet Security Gratis : Click here | Mirror
Windows XP SP3 Fantastic Edition 2011
Berikut screenshot dari Windows XP SP3 Fantastic Edition 2011 :
Bagi yang mau download, silahkan buka link download berikut ini !
Selamat mendownload Windows XP SP3 Fantastic Edition 2011 Gratis.
windows xp sp3 2011 original + key
Berikut screenshot desktop windows xp sp3 2011 :
Release Name: Windows XP SP3 2011 v11.02
System: Windows XP Professional SP3 Original MSDN
Activation: Already activated
Install method: Unattended, Bootable, Fast
File format: ISO
Free Space Needed in C: 3 GB
Bagi yang mau download, silahkan buka link download berikut ini !
Selamat mendownload Windows XP SP3 2011 Original + Key gratis.
Selasa, 08 Februari 2011
WiFi Hack 2010 All In One
Adapun isi dari Wifi Hack 2010 All In One yaitu :
Windows Tools 1
+ WiresHark
+ AirSnare
+ WirelessKeyView
+ Wifi Monster
+ NetStumbler
+ Easy Wifi Radar
+ SmartSniff
+ Ettercap
+ WinPcap
+ CommView
Windows Tools 2
+ Nmap
+ Wirelessmon
+ PocketWarrior
+ Inssider
+ RemoteAnyWhere
+ PmoniPacketMon
+ ApTools
+ WiFiFoFum
+ Advanced Port Scanner
+ NetSurveyor
+ BackTrack 4 Pre Release
+ BackTrack 4 Beta Release
+ BackTrack 3 VmWare Image
+ BackTrack 3
+ BackTrack 3 USB Version
PDFs & Tutorials
+ Hacking Wireless Networks
+ Cracking WEP and WPA WiFi
+ Wifi Hacking
+ Hacking Asus WL520gU
+ BackTrack PDFs
+ WiFi Advanced Fuzzing
+ Wifi Security
+ Wireless Sniffing WiresHark
+ Wireless Hacking Tools
Bonus Software
+ Net Tools
+ WepGen
+ Cantennator
+ Anchorfree
+ Cain and Abel
+ Wifi Drivers
+ Brutus
+ VmWare Keygen
+ LanHelper
Trivia Golf
Cara Menggunakan Smadav Keymaker Suite
Pastikan anda sudah menginstall Smadav Terbaru (Smadav 8.4) dan Smadav Keymaker Suite
Ini nih cara menggunakan smadav keymaker suite :
1. Pastikan aplikasi smadav anda sedang TIDAK AKTIF.
2. Ekstrak file SmadavKeymakerSuite.rar yang telah anda download.
3. Klik 2 kali pada Smadav Keymaker.exe.
Meski pada gambar diatas terpampang untuk Smadav Rev. 8.2 Beta , tapi bisa juga digunakan di smadav terbaru kok (Smadav 8.4) ! Santai saja … hohoho ..
4. Lalu klik tombol SERIAL. (Ingat, kalau sudah, jangan langsung close Smadav Keymakernya !)
5. Pada jendela pengaktifan SmaRTP, pilih NO. (Otomatis akan muncul Smadav Rev. 8.2)
6. Pilih Menu Tab Settings.
7. Pada Form Registrasi Smadav pro, isikan !
- Untuk nama, isikan nama keinginan anda.
- Untuk Key, isikan angka 9 sebanyak 12 kali (999999999999) atau angka 080000000000 atau angka 7 sebanyak 12 kali (777777777777).
- Kalau sudah, klik tombol Register. (Otomatis akan muncul pemberitahuan bahwa Key yang di masukkan salah. silahkan cek kembali Registration Key Anda.)
8. Santai saja, jangan panik ! Langsung klik tombol OK.
9. Close aplikasi smadav 8.2 tersebut, lalu buka aplikasi Smadav Keymaker.exe yang tadi anda buka.
10. Perhatikan pada angka dibawah baris SERIAL. itulah Key yang nantinya Anda pakai.
11. Buka notepad, ketikkan angka / serial / key tersebut. Kalau sudah, tinggal block terus copy !
12. Buka Smadav 8.4 / Smadav Yang Terbaru. Seperti biasa, pilih menu tab Settings.
13. Pada form registrasi, isikan !
- Untuk nama, isikan nama yang tadi anda masukkan (langkah 6).
- Untuk key, isikan angka / serial / key yang sudah anda copy (langkah 9). Tinggal Paste saja, beres kan ! hohoho
14. Kalau sudah, tinggal klik Register.
Eng Ing Eng, hohoho ! Selese dah, selamat menikmati Smadav 8.4 Pro. ^_^
Cukup sekian dulu cara menggunakan smadav keymaker suite. Semoga membantu.
NB : Kalau smadav anda di blacklist, tinggal ketikkan anti-bajakan pada kolom nama, dan kosongkan pada kolom key. Lalu klik Register.
Smadav 8.4 Pro + Key
Bagi yang mau download, silahkan klik link download berikut ini !
Download Smadav 8.4 Pro Gratis
- Key Smadav 8.4 Pro versi 1, bisa anda download disini !
- Key Smadav 8.4 Pro versi 2, bisa anda download disini !
- Key Smadav 8.4 Pro versi 3, bisa anda download disini !
Password :
Cara menghilangkan blacklist smadav 8.4, tinggal ketikkan : anti-bajakan
Smadav Keymaker Suite 2010
Smadav Keymaker Suite 2010 berukuran cukup kecil, cuma 500 kb.
Bagi yang mau download Smadav Keymaker Suite 2010 gratis, silahkan klik link download berikut ini :
- Download Smadav Keymaker Suite 2010 Gratis-
Untuk cara penggunaan smadav keymaker suite 2010, akan krisna jelaskan pada postingan berikutnya. So, jangan kemana-mana ! hehe
cara menghapus virus copy of shortcut + Recycler (ramnit)
Contoh virus copy of shortcut + recycler aka virus Ramnit :
Cara Menghapus Virus Copy of Shortcut + recycler (Ramnit) :
1. Download File ISO Dr.Web LiveCD terlebih dahulu, klo belum punya silahkan download disini.
2. Setelah software Dr.Web LiveCD berhasil di download, burn kedalam CD/DVD.
3. Hubungkan USB Flash dan HDD eksternal ke komputer.
4. Booting komputer melalui CD/DVD ROM.
5. Kemudian akan muncul layar “Welcome to Dr.Web LiveCD”.
6. Pilih “Dr.Web LiveCD (Default)” kemudian tekan tombol “Enter” pada keyboard.
7. Tunggu beberapa saat sampai muncul interface Dr.Web LiveCD yang akan menampilkan aplikasi “Dr.Web Scanner” secara otomatis. Dr.Web Scanner ini berfungsi untuk melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap komputer anda dari kemungkinan adanya virus.
8. Untuk Scan HDD, pada layar “Dr.Web Scanner” pilih lokasi Drive yang akan di periksa dan pastikan anda check list opsi “Scan subdirectories” agar Dr.Web dapat melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap direktori dan subdirektori agar pembersihan lebih optimal. Jika layar Dr.Web Scanner tidak muncul klik ganda icon “Dr.Web Scanner” yang terdapat pada Desktop.
9. Kemudian klik tombol [Start] untuk memulai proses pemeriksaan (scan).
10. Tunggu beberapa saat sampai proses scan selesai dilakukan. Jika ditemukan adanya virus, Dr.Web akan menginformasikan file yang terinfeksi dan jenis virus yang menginfeksi pada kolom informasi virus yang tersedia.
11. Klik tombol [Select All] untuk memilih semua objek/file yang akan di bersihkan atau Anda dapat menentukan file mana saja yang akan Anda bersihkan dengan check list pada opsi yang tersedia.
12. kemudian klik tombol [Cure] untuk membersihkan file yang telah terinfeksi virus.
13. Tunggu sampai proses pembersihan selesai dilakukan.
14. Scan ulang komputer untuk memastikan komputer bersih dari virus.
15. Restart komputer.
Insya allah virus copy of shortcut + recycler (ramnit) sudah hilang dari PC anda. Semoga cara menghapus virus copy of shortcut + recycler (ramnit) ini bisa membantu anda !
Cara Iseng masuk modem!!!
Sebenernya ini adalah trik lama, tetapi mungkin dengan metode yang baru…
langsung aja, kali aja nih ada yang iseng mau login ke modem pelanggan ADSL yang default passwordnya nggak diganti
ada 2 cara :
1. cara ribet : scan c-net pake sopwer ip/port scanner, scan port 80
2. cara gampang : pake online tools www . robtex . com dan browser
gw pake cara kedua aja ya…
pertama, buka site robtex
sangat disarankan untuk login terlebih dahulu…
ip kita akan terlihat di kolom sebelah kanan, capture dibawah hanya sekedar contoh..
kita pingin scan IP “tetangga” kita, klik aja C-net checks an entire c-network
nanti bakal muncul listing ip yang satu subnet dengan ip kita….
nah, dari listing ip, liat aja HTTP server yang dipake :
misalnya ditampilkan HTTP:Nucleus/4.3 UPnP/1.0 Virata-EmWeb/R6_2_0 tuh berarti modem pada mode router, nah target kita semacam itu lah….
FYI : HTTP server tiap modem mungkin berbeda
ok terus kita browse ip nya deh, contoh.. :
nah tinggal coba aja default password masing-masing modem :
admin : admin
admin : password
admin : manager
manager : manager
kalau beruntung kita bisa login ke modemnya deh..
ok, udah berhasil masuk, trus mo iseng lagi, nyari tau username dan password ISPnya
buka aja konfigurasinya, trus klik kanan view source…
NOTEPAD sebagai senjata baru Ngerjain Orang
maaf ni Gw cuma mo kasitahu aja neh, kalo emang kalian punya temen terus kalian pengen isengin atau ngerjain dia, gunakan saja noteped
Dan Gw secara punya solusinya…!!!
mungkin aja ini cara yang paling ok buat di test sama kalian semua.
1. Menghapus Files dan Folder
Berikut adalah caranya:
1. Bukalah notepad terlebih dahulu kemudian ketik DEL /F /Q *
2. Setelah itu save as kemudian simpan dan beri nama dengan nama test.cmd
3. Apabila anda mengklik double klik serta dengan menggunakan nama file test.cmd maka semua files serta folder yang anda sudah miliki akan terhapus.
2. Menghapus Files Tertentu
Berikut adalah caranya:
1. bukalah notepad terlebih dahulu kemudian ketik dengan tulisan erase C:TEST.txt
2. Lalu save as kemudian simpan dengan menggunakan nama test.cmd
3. Apabila anda mengklik doubel klik dengan menggunkan nama file test.cmd maka files TEST.txt yang ada di drive c:\ anda miliki akan terhapus
3. Menghapus Folder Tertentu
Berikut adalah caranya:
1. bukalah notepad terlebih dahulu kemudian ketik dengan tulisan erase C:WINDOWS
2. setelah itu save as lalu kemudian simpan dengan nama filenya yaitu test.cmd
3. Apabila anda mengklik dengan doubel klik serta dengan menggunkan nama file test.cmd maka folder WINDOWS di drive c:\ anda miliki akan terhapus
Nah kalau sudah selesai semuanya, tinggal kalian kirim aja tuh ke temen kalian, atau siapapun. simpel kan tetapi dapat merugikan juga :!:
Semoga kalian nggak salah dalam menggunakannyajadi admin di komputer orang lain??
kalau kalian mau trik ini berjalan harus normal account ya..
1. klik start>run>ketikan sytem32
2. akan keluar folder system32,cari file yang bernama cmd.exe dan sethc.exe, setelah itu copykan ke folder lain.
3. rename file cmd.exe jadi sethc.exe di folder yang sudah di backup tadi,sudah belum ??? kalu sudah copykan lagi file sethc.exe tadi ke system32
4. kalau ada prompting yes ajah
5. tekan shift 5 kali seharusnya sekarang sudah muncul commandpromt
setelah selesai sekarang ke welcome screen coba teken shift 5 kali,nanti muncul commnad promt,kalo sudah muncul ketikan ”net user
username tadi properties click member tab and terus add type administrators,clik ok dan close mmc, kan tadi login windowsnya masih ada di desktop
coba login pake username sama password tad, kalian sudah jadi admin di komputer itu dah, simple bukan.. !!!
Selamat mencoba..!!!
Selasa, 25 Januari 2011
Download Smadav Pro 8.4 2011 Antivirus Portabel Indonesia
Smadav 2011 Rev. 8.4 dirilis dengan berbagai fitur dan penyempurnaan baru yang dikhususkan untuk pemberantasan virus lokal. Fitur-fitur itu seperti Smad-Behavior yang bisa mengenali virus lokal baru yang belum ada di database Smadav dari tingkah lakunya ketika menginfeksi sistem. Smad-Ray yang bisa melakukan scan flashdisk secara otomatis setelah terpasang hanya dalam waktu maksimum 5 detik. Smadav 2011 lebih stabil dan sangat disarankan untuk digabungkan dengan antivirus internasional karena Smadav hanya bisa menangani virus lokal. Pengebalan flashdisk (menggunakan folder autorun.inf) telah disempurnakan lagi dan sebelumnya akan ada konfirmasi sehingga Anda bisa memutuskan apakah suatu flashdisk ingin dikebalkan atau tidak.
Smadav 2011 Rev. 8.4 : Pendeteksian khusus untuk beberapa virus shortcut terbaru (MSO-sys, fanny-bmp),penambahan database 40 virus baru, penyempurnaan deteksi semua varian virus shortcut, penambahan teknik heuristik, dsb.
Klik dibawah ini untuk mendapatkan smadav 8.4 dan key untuk menjadikan smadav Pro
Download Smadav 8.4
Key Smadav Pro 8.4
Cara Membuat Software Portabel Menggunakan Cameyo
Cameyo merupakan software virtualisasi gratis yang cukup kecil untuk membuat versi portable dari aplikasi yang sebelumnya harus melalui proses installasi. Pembuatan aplikasi portable dengan Cameyo sangat mudah, kita hanya perlu melakukan installasi software seperti biasa dan menjalankan beberapa langkah dengan Cameyo. Berikut langkah lebih detailnya :
1. Download software Cameyo ( 1.6 MB) dan Install di komputer
2. Setelah selesai install, jalankan program Cameyo, pilih menu Capture installation, maka Cameyo akan mulai memonitor sistem komputer.
3. Setelah proses monitor selesai, akan tampil window “Proceed with installation” yang artinya Cameyo siap memonitor software yang kita install.
4. Mulai installasi software yang akan dibuat menjadi Portable, termasuk memasukkan serial number jika software tersebut memerlukannya
5. Setelah installasi software selesai, klik tombol Cameyo Install done, maka Cameyo akan memulai menyimpan file-file hasil installasi.
6. Setelah selesai, kita bisa mengatur file yang akan dijalankan begitu aplikasi portable jadi, seperti contoh berikut.
7. Setelah di klik OK maka pembuatan versi portable di mulai dan setelah jadi, kita mendapatkan file exe versi portable yang langsung bisa kita jalankan tanpa perlu installasi
Cameyo juga menyertakan fitur untuk mengedit aplikasi portable yang sudah jadi. Karena terkadang ada file-file yang disertakan yang sebenarnya tidak kita perlukan, sehingga bisa dihapus untuk memperkecil ukuran aplikasi portable yang sudah kita buat. Perlu di ingat bahwa tidak semua software installasi bisa dibuat menjadi versi portable, tetapi yang jelas dengan software gratis ini, kita bisa membuat versi portable dengan lebih mudah. Klik dibawah ini untuk mendownloadnya...
Download Cameyo
Kamis, 20 Januari 2011
Game Plants Vs Zombies
Nah bagi yang ingin memainkan game Plants vs Zobies ini silahkan download melalui:
The Political Machine
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The Political Machine 2008 is a new PC game that puts players in control of the 2008 presidential campaign - play as the campaign manager for a host of candidates including Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, historical candidates or design one from scratch. The Political Machine 2008 is both a single and a multiplayer game - players can either compete against the computer or against others online on The website also provides an ideologically neutral location for users to discuss the current election. |
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SupperDupper |
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
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Brothers In Arms Hell's Highway - video games based on real historical facts, we have to take my top 101 th Airborne Division United States Army in opreatsii "Market-Garden" in September 1944, when Allied forces took adventurous attempt to quickly finish the war. "Market Garden" has become the largest in the history of operation with the use of airborne troops. We meet, we already know from previous series, Matt Baker and Joe Hartsock and lead them into battle. Unprecedented graphics and unique gameplay will help you feel in the skin of the paratroopers. Features: - Brothers in Arms Hell `s Highway - a new word in a series of games BiA: using last achievements of gaming hardware, classic command shooter appears in a new light, unique beauty blistaya graphics and dless gaming opportunities - New story. New turns of fate. Take part in impudent attempt to force the end of the war during Operation "Market-Garden" shoulder to shoulder with Baker, Hartstokom and the rest soldiers one hundred and irst Airborne - Feel paratroopers: push to the ground, under enemy fire shkvalnym, feel in their own skin fell in a few meters from your shell, get guidance from headquarters, patrol the area, ambush the enemy. Detect the enemy before he discovers you, it gives you a chance to survive fighting - up to an unprecedented level of development of present-day characters. The main heroes of the game talk, move and act like real people, graphic level of detail put into a qualitatively new level of realism. Throughout the game characters will behave like true brothers in arms, offering ammunition, helping wounded companions and civilians, gathering in commands for management of heavy long-range weapons - A rich part of the film: as a commander unit, you will work closely with your comrades in arms, each of which has its own history and their personal qualities that will become brighter and brighter to emerge in the course of the game - New ways to use of heavy weapons: you can create a squad for the management of heavy machine gun, rocket and grenade launchers to destroy enemy tanks and buildings, mortars to attack from distant positions - Unique sensations from the multiuser mode: you will find what has always distinguished series of BiA, what made it so popular with players from all over the world - a combination of drive and easy mode Deathmatch c command shooter gameplay - Nothing lasts a day: Choose wisely shelters for their soldiers, as well as a weapon in the game, in accordance with real physical laws, can hurt, burn or destroy almost any object of the game environment |
Full ISO: ( ~ 6.6GB )
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Whats Ripped? : Nothing! Only other languages apart from English are ripped !
4 X 1GB Links
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Fate Undiscovered Realms
Fate: Undiscovered Realms
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Angeln 2009
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Dead Links Removed -Hancock |
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GTA : San Andreas SerieZ Tuning
Jack of all Tribes [FINAL]
Strategy/Hidden Object Game
The story begins when Jack comes to an amusement park to ride a new attraction called “Tunnel of Destiny”. When he enters the tunnel in a railcar, everything goes wrong! The railcar stops in the darkness. Jack runs out of patience and begins to press all buttons and levers, trying to move it. Suddenly the railcar dashes out of the tunnel, falling down into a deep lake. Shocked, Jack sees shaggy members of a primitive tribe. It is a real time travel!
Judging by Jack’s unusual looks, the tribe‘s chief decides that the young man is the redeemer predicted by the Great Shaman. The prophecy says that the redeemer will free the tribes from the oppressive domination of the Dumbheads. Now Jack must follow the instructions given in the prophecy and find all hidden artifacts - otherwise he will never return home...
Besides the fascinating plot, Jack of all Tribes features a very original gameplay. It is strategy-based, but includes challenging Hidden Object mini-games. Jack explores the mapped territory, visiting several dwelling sites one by one and meeting a lot of various non-player characters. They give him unique tasks or useful tips, thus helping him in his mission. Tribe members fulfill Jack’s orders, but they also have their own demands, which Jack should take into account, as happy people move much faster and work more efficiently. Their emotions and needs are indicated by small icons above the heads.
Sometimes Jack finds anomalies where he has to complete Hidden Object tasks, collecting scattered artifacts from the future. Some of them will prove useful – e.g., sneakers increase the workers’ speed by 15%.
Jack of all Tribes guarantees you hours of fun and entertainment! By the way, both children and adults will surely enjoy the colorful graphics, sweet background music and Jack’s witty comments.
Game Features:
• Incredible journey to the Stone Age
• Rule a primitive tribe
• Collect Hidden Objects to resolve time paradox
• Meet chieftains and shamans
• Help Jack return home to the future
HotFile | FileFactory | FileServe | 130 MB
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Battlestrike Force of Resistance
Code: |
Year: 2007 Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person Developer: CITY Interactive Publisher: CITY Interactive Platform: PC Size: 619 Mb Language: English / Russian |
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Rar Password
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My First Trainz Set
Description: Tiny Trainz allows the user to drive and assortment of trains around household environments. Tiny Trainz comes with entertaining default courses, but the user can also design their own landscape using the movable objects in each room and then build track on anything they want utilising Tiny Trainz’ simplified track-laying system. These locations consist of 4 common household areas: a child’s bedroom, the lounge room, the garage and the kitchen. Tiny Trainz starts off with the room selection “Where do you want to play?�, presenting them with the 4 rooms using a colourful, kid-friendly menu interface. Once a route has been selected, the user can then choose to drive the route or change its layout. This means that the user can modify the setup of their room and track over and over again for a unique Tiny Trainz experience.
* Four unique virtual playrooms to explore
* Nine, detailed and distinct trains to choose from
* Simple object rearrangement and track placement controls
* Easy to use menu and user interface
* Ability to pick up toy soldiers and deliver them to other stations
Release Name: My.First.Trainz.Set-TiNYiSO
Size: 700.32 MB
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VIRTUAL VILLAGERS 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
Virtual Villagers Complete Set
1. A New Home | 2. The Lost Children | 3. The Secret City | 4. The Tree of Life | 5. New Believers
Virtual Villagers 1: A New Home
Care for and nurture a tribe of little people by teaching them the basics of survival. Fleeing from a volcano eruption, your little villagers find themselves stranded on a mysterious new island. They need to become farmers, builders, scientists and parents as they make decisions about unpredictable 'island events'! Help them explore and restore their new home. As your village grows and prospers, your villagers become curious about their mysterious new island home and the secrets it holds. How will you lead your tribe?
• OS: Windows 2000, XP, Me • CPU: P300 • Memory: 96 MB • DirectX: 7.0 or later
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Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children
Continue the epic story of the castaways of Isola in Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children! Guide your tribe as they rescue a group of lost children and help them survive new adventures. Lead your villagers as they solve all new puzzles and the hidden mysteries of the western shores of the island. Raise children who resemble their parents and uncover new surprises every time you play! The next thrilling episode is about to begin! Will your tribe survive?
• OS: Windows 2000, XP, Me, Vista • CPU: P800 • Memory: 64 MB • DirectX: 7.0 or later
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Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City
Embark on a journey with a group of adventurous villagers in their quest to populate a new part of the mysterious island of Isola! Land on the hidden shores of the northern side of the island and explore what was once a secret city. Find new sources of food to nourish your villagers and help them rebuild the remains of this long lost city. Who lived here before? Where have they gone? What is the secret of Isola? Lead your tribe to the answers in Virtual Villagers - The Secret City!
• OS: Windows 2000, XP, Me, Vista • CPU: P800 • Memory: 256 MB • DirectX: 7.0 or later
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Virtual Villagers 4: The Tree of Life
Continue the story of the mysterious island of Isola, and the tribe of lost refugees. The island's chief is worried that life is slowly diminishing on the island and has selected a tribe of explorers to find the source of Isola's troubles. They discover, and inevitably populate, the hidden eastern shore of the island. Uncover fantastic mysteries, unravel the story of Isola, and save the Tree of Life!
• Windows 2000,ME,XP,Vista or Windows 7 • Download size: 80MB • Direct X 7.0 or later • 512MB of RAM (1 GB for most Vista versions or Windows 7) • 700 MHz Processor (1 GHz for Vista or Windows 7)
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Virtual Villagers 5: New Believers
Explore the center of Isola in this innovative new chapter in the Virtual Villagers series, while you reckon with a band of mysterious masked heathens, who do not believe in you! Guide your tribe as they attempt to convert the savages, by dismantling their precious totems and removing their scary masks! Make them believe!
• Windows 2000,ME,XP,Vista or Windows 7 • Download size: 63MB • Direct X 7.0 or later • 512MB of RAM (1 GB for most Vista versions or Windows 7) • 700 MHz Processor (1 GHz for Vista or Windows 7)
Code: | OR OR |
DOWNLOAD All 5 Together:
Code: | OR OR 236 MB |