Blog-Ger (Blogger)

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011


Konqueror icon



Comet Bird


CometBird is based on the Mozilla engine just like Firefox. That would make it yet another Firefox clone. However, it loads up faster than Firefox, and has a couple of built in features that may be of interest.

The browser's Online Media Downloader allows you to save Flash, Audio and Video files straight from Web pages that display it, including YouTube. Other browsers require this as an additional plugin.

Another notible feature of CometBird is the Software Update Check that shows you a list of the lastet versions of software incase you like to be on top of things and always run the latest version of every program.


[K-Meleon] The similarities between K-Meleon and Firefox are numerous, and like Firefox, K-Meleon runs on the Gecko engine as well.

K-Meleon is marketed as a fast light-weight browser. I would have to agree with this. Even the installation is fast and didn't default me to make it my default browser or force any unwanted settings on me.

This is a tabbed browser, but instead of tabs, the terminology in K-Meleon is "layers".

I searched around for other similarities between K-Meleon and Firefox. To do this, the first site I opened was ABS. Even the display issues are the same, but I think it stretches broken images to the size of alt text instead. Also, K-Meleon is so light that it comes with Flash Player 3.0. Obviously, this plugin will need an upgrade to work on ABS.

I got bored of how simple, clean and efficient this browser is, and started looking for advanced features. I found the zoom ability pretty useful, and even though it had the ability to zoom images and text independently, this didn't always seem to work properly. There is no "return to normal size" feature that I can see, so I suggest not messing with the zoom.

K-Meleon didn't leave out any popular advanced features like Javacript console, mouse gestures, favourites importer, domain completion and others. Some of the more advanced features let you edit the source directly rather than a simple enable/disable.

This browser is fairly new, so I'm not sure about automatic updates and its security, but I can assure you that this browser, like all Gecko browsers, are safer than Windows browsers. At least for now.

Orca Browser




Maxthon icon (Formerly MyIE. Formerly MyIE2.)

Please submit a review below for Maxthon.


[Avant Browser] (Formerly IEopera. Formerly Opera2.)

Avant Browser runs using the Internet Explorer engine, but with additional features. Originally, the main feature was tabbed window browsing inspired by Opera, so all Web pages could be switched from the same window. Now that Internet Explorer has this feature as well, Avant Browser has expanded its features such as bookmark system that can be shared online, custom toolbar buttons, and password/form wizards.


Flock icon Flock prides itself as being the first social-media browser. Flock can give you updates from your accounts from various social media sites including MySpace, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and more, as well as some email services.

You will notice that the browser is very similar to Mozilla Firefox as Flock is build on their codebase.


Netscape by Netscape / AOL

Netscape icon I used to use Netscape 4.x. Netscape used to be my favourite browser up until about sometime in 2001.

This new version is heavy and bloated browser. It also installs other unwanted programs like the Weather Channel software, and I find it to be slower than other browsers based on the same engine like Mozilla.

The features are wonderful, and pages display properly or according to standards. You can quickly select between an IE view or a Netscape view. I think this browser is important for developers, but end users don't need this commercial browser which is owned by AOL, and updates to the Netscape browser have been officially discontinued.


Opera icon Opera is the RC Cola to Coke and Pepsi. The L.A. Gear to Nike and Reebok. The one with the hairy hairy chest to the worst and best. Opera has always found itself as a third-place browser since the Netscape vs. Internet Exporer browser wars.

Originally, Opera was an ad-supported shareware browser, but became completely free in order to complete. The mobile version keeps the revenue flowing in for the company.

Opera markets itself as the fastest Web browser, and has supported tab-browsing before its competitors.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome icon In 2005, I had learnt that some Mozilla engineers were hired by Google, and had other information that led me to believe Google was going to make their own Web browser. I announced the "Gbrowser" on June 3, 2005.

In 2008 Google announced Google Chrome through an online comic book showing the engineering superiorities of their browser.

To sum it up, Google Chrome is specifically developed for application Web sites - Web sites with memory-intensive JavaScript tools (like its own gMail). Google Chrome interprets the scripts faster and that if a script were to crash or lag, it would not crash the whole browser.

Interface and usability features include a built-in homepage that lists screenshots of your most visited Web pages, a privacy filter to browse secretly called "Incognito Mode" and rearrangable tabs.

The Chromium rendering engine for the browser is based on the opensource Apple Webkit that the Safari browser uses, and Google has subsequently released their Chromium engine as opensource. The browser will therefore be extended and improved by Google's community in the long term.

Google is promoting their Chrome browser heavily, and it will likely become one of the top three Web browsers.

Note: As of the current version, Google Chrome has a bug in displaying some alpha-transparent PNG images, including on, but should be fixed in an updated version.


Safari icon Safari Web Browser is Apple's Browser based on the Webkit rendering engine. Originally a Mac-only browser, but then ported to Windows so that developers of iPhone Web applications could test with Webkit within Windows.

Please submit a review below for Safari.

Mozilla Firefox

June 17, 2008 marks the release of Firefox 3.0. The main reason to upgrade is that the increasing memory footprint issue from previous versions is now fixed. The new version matches the style of your operating system by default and easily directs you to your most viewed pages through the address bar. Version 3 has dozens more feautures and hundreds more upgrades listed in the browser's documentation.

Mozilla Firefox is a must-have browser. Either as a primary browser (as I highly recommend) or your first alternate browser. Due to its stability, scalability and support on all common platforms (unlike Internet Explorer which has stopped producing for Mac), Firefox is the standard for Web browsers. Firefox's recent high market share has forced Web developers to make certain their Web sites and programs work flawlessly on the browser.

If you are currently an Internet Explorer user know that Mozilla Firefox is a lightweight, high-speed open source Web Browser. Upgrading the browser is much easier. It's also reported to be faster and have better security.

Countless custom plugins and scripts called extensions are available for Firefox developed by the opensource community in an attempt to add every optional feature possible.

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is commonly refered to as the browser that comes with Windows that you use to download another browser.

I have used Internet Explorer as my default browser from 2001 to 2008 when my computer was infected for good. I even stuck with version 6 by the end of it, even though version 8 beta was released. I was 5 years behind in browser technology! I fought for this browser, and even designed this site for Internet Explorer, dealing with the many quirks and workarounds for lack of alpha-transparent PNG image support.

Internet Explorer is still the most common default Web browser, but with competitors catching up very quickly. It is still necessary to design Web sites for IE, but just as important to make use of the open standards that only now IE8 finally supports.

The browser's strengths are its flaws. It is built right into the Windows operating system, using the system's own files, therefore making the browser load fast. This, however, makes the whole Windows operating system open and vulnerable to any security holes found in the browser. I thought I would be safe as long as I visited safe Web sites. That helped a lot, but it wasn't 100% protection.

The latest versions - 7 and 8 beta - have better security like built in anti-phishing tools, and updates are common to keep security holes patched. Version 8 has full support for 2.1, but some things must be coded specifically for the browser like opacity on alpha-transparent PNG images.

Incase you are a Web designer use this:
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100)";

Internet Explorer 8 was released on April 1, 2009. There was a lot of criticism about the release because it has yet to support CSS3. Microsoft claims that it follows standards with the new version, and this includes the decision to not support codes until they are official standards. Though other modern browsers are already these CSS3 codes in advance of them becoming official and finalized.

This decision by Microsoft bothers me as well. Microsoft should include support for these soon-to-be official standards now rather than wait. People on Internet Explorer are very slow to upgrade their browsers, so when these standards become official, their users will be the last to take advantage of them.

Since version 7, the menu has been simplified and tab-based browsing has been added. Without some great hacking skills, Internet Explorer is a built-in requirement of Windows. It is probably a good idea to have an updated version, even if you don't wish to have it set as your default browser.

ChromePlus Alpha 2

ChromePlus Alpha 2

Maple Studio Syarikat disajikan ChromePlus versi yang baru dibuat nya bimbit. Browser ini didasarkan pada salah satu pelayar terpantas di dunia - Google Chrome dan merupakan Internet pemanen-benar. "

Jika anda ingin Chrome, namun kemampuannya tidak cukup, datang ke ChromePlus bantuan. Pakej ini menyediakan alat yang selesa untuk men-download halaman dengan teknologi rendering IE, integrasi dengan utiliti file download dan beberapa ciri-ciri tambahan untuk bekerja dengan link dan tab.

Tutup halaman ini dalam ChromePlus boleh menjadi sederhana klik ganda butang kiri tetikus. gerakan Nyaman, seperti memegang kursor dalam lingkaran berlawanan untuk mengemas kini laman lebih mudah untuk dinavigasi. Super fungsi Tarik membolehkan anda untuk mengklik pada link, untuk memindahkan link ke ruangan bebas, tahan butang kiri tetikus, dan lepaskan: jadi link terbuka di tab baru atau laman, bergantung pada pilihan yang dipilih. Drag dan drop serpihan teks yang dipilih membuka tab baru, di mana akan mencari teks yang dipilih dalam mesin carian lalai.

IE ciri Tab membantu untuk membuka laman web dan laman, yang hanya menyokong Internet Explorer. Dalam hal ini, semua tab IE Tab, dengan menggunakan mesin rendering IE, terbuka di tetingkap yang sama seperti semua tab yang lain ChromePlus. Integrasi dengan Boot Manager membolehkan anda untuk memanggil program ini melalui menu konteks. Disokong oleh pelbagai download manager termasuk GlashGet dan banyak yang lain.

Perubahan dalam versi Alpha 2 (3 Januari 2011):
* Ciri-ciri Baru: Disokong Microsoft *. mht laman web.
* Bug fix: Built-in thumbnail di tab baru akan kembali selepas membuka kembali bimbit.

Maple Studio Company presented a version of its newly created browser ChromePlus. This browser is based on one of the fastest browsers in the world - Google Chrome and is a true Internet-harvester. "

If you like Chrome, but his abilities are not enough, comes to the aid ChromePlus. This package provides a convenient tool to download pages by rendering technology IE, integration with utilities download files and some additional features for working with links and tabs.

Close the current page in ChromePlus can be a simple double-click the left mouse button. Convenient gestures, like holding the cursor in a circle counterclockwise to update the page much easier to navigate. Super Drag function allows you to click on the link, to transfer the link to the free space, hold the left mouse button, and release: so the link opens in a new tab or page, depending on options selected. Drag and drop the selected text fragment opens a new tab, where will search the selected text in the default search engine.

IE Tab feature helps to open the Web sites and pages, which only supports Internet Explorer. In this case, all the tabs IE Tab, use the rendering engine IE, open in the same window as all the other tabs ChromePlus. Integration with Boot Manager allows you to call these programs through the context menu. Supported by a variety of download managers including GlashGet and many others.

Changes in version Alpha 2 (January 3rd, 2011):
* New feature: Supported Microsoft *. mht web pages.
* Bug fix: Built-in thumbnail on new tab gets back after reopen browser.

Download Link:-

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

100 Themes For Windows XP Latest -mediafire 60MB

Collection of the Latest 100 beautiful themes for Windows XP, including the full Windows XP themes such as media center, Longhorn ... Featuring easy installation, and does not affect computer speed, as it dose not interfere with system files.

Themes Include:

Night Shades
Night Elf Style
Xbox 360 Shsmall
Wisp VS
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Jaunt VS
Hover VS
Chrome4 XP

Download Here :

Unlocker 1.9.5 Portable

Unlocker 1.9.5 Portable

Unlocker 1.9.5 Portable | 5,54 MB

Many faced with this error message: "Delete the file is impossible, since it is being used by another application." After installing Unlocker - this problem will be solved by pressing the right mouse button! Your computer will always be clean from the "garbage", is more free space. With the help of Unlocker, you can also rename and move files and folders that are locked by other processes.

Download From HotFile

Download From FileServe

4 Amazing themes for Windows XP

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Lite Edition cuma 64MB!!

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Lite Edition ini merupakan hasil pengubahsuaian daripada programmer yang kreatif yang mana dapat menjadikan Software Adobe Photoshop CS4 yang berat menjadi sangat ringan. Ini kerana mereka telah menghilangkan beberapa fungsi ataupun Plugin tambahan yang tak diperlukan di dalamnya. Selain itu Adobe Photoshop CS4 Lite Edition ini sangat sesuai untuk Netbook atau komputer lama dengan spesifikasi rendah dan semestinya support Windows terbaru iaitu Windows 7.

Mediafire Link

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Portable | 68 MB

Autorun Virus Remover 3.0.1126 Portable

Autorun Virus Remover 3.0.1126 Portable
Autorun Virus Remover 3.0.1126 Portable | 6.92 Mb

Autorun Virus Remover can detect and clean hundreds of usb/autorun viruses and it will block viruses and trojans trying to attack when USB device is inserted. Autorun Virus Remover provides 100% protection against any malicious programs trying to attack via USB storage(USB drive?USB stick?pen drive?flash drive?flash card?secure digital card?removable storage?portable storage?ipod?media player). Compare Autorun Virus Remover with other antivirus solutions, you will find out its highlights: Autorun Virus Remover provides 100% protection against any threats via USB drive, however, the majority of other products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection. Autorun Virus Remover can detect and clean the usb virus/worm/trojan such as Ravmon,auto.exe in your computer or usb drive,it could solve the problem that unable to open a drive by double clicking. It also removes the leftovers of virus by removing the autorun.inf files and cleaning up your system registry, so you won't see the autoplay item anymore.

100% protection against any malicious programs via USB storage
Autorun Virus Remover uses innovative proactive technology to block any threats via USB drive. There are relatively few products available in shops or on the Internet which offer even close to 100% protection against any malicious programs via USB drive. The majority of products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection. Autorun Virus Remover is the world's best software to block threats via USB drive.

The best solution to protect offline computer
Other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer that is not connected to the Internet. When new viruses, worms and other malicious attacks strike, traditional signatures are insufficient. Every minute one waits for a virus signature update creates a window of vulnerability that could have devastating consequences. Autorun Virus Remover uses advanced proactive detection techniques, requires no signature updates, and closes the window of vulnerability left open by other reactive, signature-based responses.

The world's fastest and smallest antivirus software
With Autorun Virus Remover, it’s not necessary to sacrifice speed for detection and scanning. Compare antivirus software and you'll discover that Autorun Virus Remover is by far one of the smallest applications in the industry. For example, the Autorun Virus Remover installer is just 1 MB. The program utilizes approximately 1 to 7 MB of RAM.

100% compatible with all software
Incompatibility between antivirus programs is an issue. In the vast majority of cases, installing two antivirus programs from different vendors on one machine (for increased protection) is technically impossible, as the two programs will disrupt each other's functioning. However, Autorun Virus Remover is 100% compatible with all software, including Windows Vista.

Simple to use
Autorun Virus Remover has been specifically designed to perform effectively regardless of the user’s level of computer expertise. Just install and forget it.

Home Page -

Whitecloudsoft Auto Wallpaper 3.1

Whitecloudsoft Auto Wallpaper 3.1 | 1.5 MB

Easy-to-use wallpaper change software for Win32 platforms. Set intervals according to your like. Set sometime to change wallpaper. Start with Windows. Have new layout of Fit Screen and Fit ScreenTile. Automatically load picture or folder's files.

Home Page -

Iobit Game Booster v2.1 Final Premium Portable | 4.7 MB

,Iobit Game Booster v2.1 Final Premium Portable | 4.7 MB
Iobit Game Booster v2.1 Final Premium Portable | 4.7 MB

Designed to help optimize your PC for smoother, more responsive game play in the latest PC games with the touch of a button, Game Booster helps achieve the performance edge previously only available to highly technical enthusiasts.

It works by defragmenting game directories, temporarily shutting down background processes, cleaning RAM, and intensifying processor performance. That means you can keep all the features of operating systems ready for when you need them, but turn them off when you are ready to get down to serious business – gaming.
Works compatible with PunkBuster, Cheating-Death, VAC, and any other anti-cheat software, Game Booster makes it simpler to enjoy the latest games and take your experience to a new level. All systems go!

Key Benefits:
• 1 Click. Game Booster is extremely easy to use. Its intuitive interface makes Game Booster the perfect tool for complete computer beginner.
• Speeds up Game Play. Game Booster gives more CPU and RAM to your games, making your games running at the peak performance.
• Defragments Game Files. Game Booster can quickly defragment game directories and files, to make your games load and run faster than ever.
• Increases Gaming Stability. Game Booster prevents and avoids possible conflicts and incompatibility, by temporarily closing background processes and unnecessary Windows services.
• Safe, Secure, and Free. Game Booster does not overclock your hardware, does not change your Windows Registry and system settings. Game Booster is 100% freeware, without any virus, adware, and spyware.

Operating System: Designed for Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit).

What's new in Game Booster 2.1:
+ Added system resource monitors
+ Improved useless services detection
* Fixed bugs in Game Box
* Fixed general bugs

Download | Fileserve

Nex Style 2010

Nex Style 2010
Nex Style 2010
Year : 2010 | OS : 2003/XP/Vista/7 | 18 MB
Compact, convenient and attractive panel for quick launch programs and open documents (files or folders) in the style panel similar purpose in Mac OS. Supports a variety of skins, select the sound design. Flexible configuration and Russian interface will not leave you indifferent to this program.
Key features:
• Flexible configuration options, including the appearance of the panel.
• Support for multiple monitors, widgets.
• Add-ons - checking email, weather, CPU, etc.
• Multilingual user interface.
• Ability to use both 32 - and 64-bit systems.

Aston2 v1.6.1 Multilingual | 17.4 MB

Aston2 v1.6.1 Multilingual | 17.4 MB

Water Theme for XP

Water Theme for XP

Water Theme for XP | 5 mb
Year : 2010 | OS : Windows XP
- Drag both 'Water.theme' and the 'Theme' folder to 'C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\'
========== Hotfile

SOLO Typing Tutor (3 in 1)

SOLO Typing Tutor (3 in 1)

SOLO Typing Tutor | 27.83 MB

The latest version of an authorized touch typing tutor which guarantees solid typing skills and can help you increase your typing speed. The course is suitable for both novices who are eager to learn the correct hand positioning and fingering, and for beginner typists who are concerned about their typing speed and accuracy. Upgraded tasks, full-featured statistics, useful tips and detailed explanations with lots of jokes and motivating examples are an additional aid to effective learning. Wise quotations and famous sayings, feedback letters with comments and tips from those who have already finished the course guarantee fun during the learning process.

The course is user-friendly and takes a personal approach to every student.

The following courses are available:
SOLO Typing Tutor 9

Learning to touch-type on US keyboard layout (QWERTY). 100 typing lessons pave the way to confident touch-typing and considerable speed increase.
SOLO Typing Tutor 9 Numeric Keypad

Learning to type numbers on the numeric keypad. 20 typing lessons are specifically tailored to typing numbers without hesitation and speed change.
SOLO Typing Tutor 9 German

Learning to touch-type on German keyboard layout. 100 typing lessons pave the way to confident touch-typing and considerable speed increase.
SOLO Typing Tutor 9 Russian

A Russian touch typing course for the authentic Russian keyboard layout (ЙЦУКЕ). It is not suitable for phonetic keyboard layouts because they are considered ineffective for this language and their usage results in lower typing speed.

Modern design and user-friendly interface
3D on-screen keyboard to visualize the correct fingering
Loads of typing practice in problematic areas
An amusing animated T-boy will assist you throughout the training

Home Page -

Download links:


Lindungi Blog/Fb dengan Advanced Tracks Eraser 5.5 | 6.80 MB

Advanced Tracks Eraser 5.5
Advanced Tracks Eraser 5.5 | 6.80 MB
Did you know, that anyone (your Boss, Family, Friends, "Anyone") who uses your computer can find out what you have been using it for? Did you know that every time you use the Internet your Internet activities are being recorded? That every picture you've seen while you are on-line is copied to your hard drive? Advanced Tracks Eraser is a complete solution for cleaning internet activities

Choice Theme for XP | 5.11 mb

Choice Theme for XP
Choice Theme for XP | 5.11 mb
Year : 2010 | OS : Windows XP
- Drag both 'Choice .theme' and the 'Theme' folder to 'C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\'

Microsoft Office 2010 Portable (12-17-2010)

Microsoft Office 2010 Portable (12-17-2010)

Microsoft Office 2010 Portable | 577 MB

Microsoft Office 2010 gives you powerful new tools to express your ideas, solve problems, and connect with people. Office 2010 lets you work how, when, and where you want, letting you get things from a PC, the Web, and even a smartphone.
Use Office 2010 virtually anywhere: PC, phone, browser
With Microsoft Office 2010, you can review and do minor editing on Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote 2010 documents, virtually anywhere, by using Office Web Apps from more locations on more devices.

Keep your people productive on the go. Office 2010 lets you access and edit documents stored on a server while youre offline with SharePoint Workspace 2010, and then automatically syncs these changes when youre back online. So you stay productive while on the go.

Support your employees, regardless of location or device. Office 2010 saves you time and money by helping you deploy and manage Office on the PC, the smartphone, and the Web, all from within familiar Microsoft System Center tools.

Bring ideas to life
Create and deliver presentations that help you stand apart from the competition. Office 2010 puts you in the directors chair, enabling you to create dazzling digital content in PowerPoint 2010 without the need for expensive third-party tools. And you can broadcast your presentation to anyone with a browser, even if they dont have PowerPoint.

Stay organized and on top of your work. OneNote 2010 pulls together everything from daily sales figures to digital images, so all the information you need is easily accessible. You can also create side notes that stay on your screen as you move between different programs, so you can keep your thoughts organized as you multi-task. This helps you stay organized while saving you time.

Turn intuition into insights to make quicker and more informed business decisions. Excel 2010 provides tools for improved data visualization, which can give you key insights into business processes and tailor messaging and products to best meet customer needs. Whole trends can be conveyed in a single cell with Sparklines. And there are more options in styles and icons in conditional formatting, as well as the ability to highlight specific items like such as max/min in a single click.

Windows XP Diamond Ultimate 2010 | 695 MB

Windows XP Diamond Ultimate 2010 (12-15-2010)
Windows XP Diamond Ultimate 2010 | 695 MB

To ensure that Windows runs Diamond secure, security and stability the most. Win was integrate the latest hotfix package, and to help win this run stability and strengthen security against the infection of malicious code for Win, increase the maximum ability to protect against the message software, ad software and steal information, protect against virulent websites. Increasing protection against viruses, worms and trojans. Optimization system increased stability to Win.

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Windows XP Diamond Ultimate 2010 (12-15-2010)

Windows XP Diamond Ultimate 2010 (12-15-2010)

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Windows XP SP3 Mac OSX Glass Edition [December 2010]
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TuneUp Utilities 2011 10.0.3000.101 + Portable

TuneUp Utilities 2011 10.0.3000.101 + Portable

TuneUp Utilities 2011 10.0.3000.101 + Portable | 20 MB + 27 MB

TuneUp Utilities 2011 can quickly make your Windows operating system faster, easier to use, and more secure. And all operations performed on the operating system are completely safe, because all changes are monitored by TuneUp Rescue Center and can be undone at any time. All TuneUp Utilities modules can be accessed through a common interface that is divided into six categories. In addition, the main window also has three general buttons in a dark gray bar to the right at the top of the window. Pressing the first button starts the TuneUp Rescue Center module. The second button starts the TuneUp Update Wizard, which can be used to update TuneUp Utilities 2009 to the latest version over the Internet. The last button provides help and settings that you can use to customize the software package to meet your needs.
The new Start page
TuneUp Utilities 2011 welcomes you with a completely redesigned Start page, which tells you about the status of your computer. If problems or nonoptimal settings are found, you are only a mouse-click away from resolving them. The Start page also tells you when new tips for increasing computer performance are available and warns you if maintenance tasks are not being taken care of automatically. The Start page also shows you whether new automatic startup programs have been added to Windows since the last time you ran TuneUp Utilities. You can decide whether these programs that start up automatically are really necessary.

TuneUp Speed Optimizer
Which settings slow your computer down? Which unnecessary services or programs are running in the background? Is your Internet connection optimally configured? TuneUp Speed Optimizer knows the answers to all these questions. It examines your entire system for bottlenecks, superfluous background programs, and incorrect settings. Great: with just one click you can carry out most optimizations very quickly. In addition, TuneUp Speed Optimizer provides suggestions for speeding up your system.

TuneUp Shortcut Cleaner
Cleaning up your working environment is tedious: removing invalid shortcuts from the Start menu, the Desktop, and the Quick Launch bar is very time-consuming. TuneUp ShortCut Cleaner now does the work for you. It checks whether all shortcuts are valid and removes the orphaned ones with just a click of a button. At the same time, empty folders are removed from the Start menu. TuneUp ShortCut Cleaner also checks frequently used programs and cleans up the list of recently opened files.

Support for the Opera browser
After hard disk defragmentation, which we introduced in TuneUp Utilities 2009, the feature most requested by customers was support for the Opera browser. TuneUp Utilities 2010 now also includes full support for Opera. Via several special Opera settings, TuneUp System Control now allows you to change the number of Speed Dial entries, conveniently choose your default search engine, and reenable fast backward and forward navigation. Internet optimization lets you optimize Opera's performance for your Internet connection. Free up disk space lets you delete the Opera cache.

TuneUp Styler
Now you can also change the Vista logo animation which appears just before logon. You can download a whole series of great animations from the TuneUp website. Or, if you prefer, you can choose your own personal image to display while Vista starts up. With Vista, you can also add your own images to Vista's logon screen: With just a few mouse clicks you can create a truly personal logon experience.

TuneUp Uninstall Manager
Redesigned from the ground up, TuneUp Install Manager now runs much faster and has a new, even more intuitive interface so that it is even easier to uninstall unnecessary programs. Unnecessary programs often are forgotten because they were installed a long time ago and then not used. TuneUp Utilities 2009 shows you a list of programs not used for a long time so that you can target for uninstallation those applications that use valuable disk space and in certain circumstances even slow your system down.

TuneUp StartUp Manager
A smooth-running system results when there are no unnecessary autostart applications. The improved TuneUp Startup Manager organizes your programs into groups and provides clear explanations to make it easier for you to identify those programs that are not needed.New automatic startup programs are now highlighted so that you can disable unwanted entries more easily. System start tasks are now also listed in TuneUp StartUp Manager In Vista, in particular, scheduled tasks are used in place of autostart entries.

Free up disk space
The already rapid display of disk space to be freed up is now even faster on NTFS drives. And now it is so easy to delete even more unnecessary files, like the backup files for the first Windows Vista service pack and the Opera and Safari caches. The second "Free up disk space" module that helps you turn off Windows functions that use excessive disk space has also been enhanced. The Windows Search index can now be disabled and deleted with a single click. This makes particular sense if you are already using a different search engine. In addition, TuneUp Disk Space Explorer now runs faster and no longer requires that an entire drive be analyzed. You can now specify that only those folders be analyzed that you are really interested in.

Lots more improvements
Along with the totally new features, there are a series of improvements that are not immediately visible. There are small improvements like Tooltips in the main window, a substantial increase in the number of problems that can be found byTuneUp Registry Cleaner, and better progress feedback from TuneUp Drive Defrag. But there are also big improvements "under the hood". Two good examples are a completely reworked installation program and significant improvements in our update technology.

TuneUp Utilities 2011 10.0.3000.101

Download links :



TuneUp Utilities 2011 10.0.3000.101 Portable

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Atomix Virtual DJ 7.0.2 Build 347

Atomix Virtual DJ 7.0.2 Build 347

Atomix Virtual DJ 7.0.2 Build 347 | 28.3 MB

Atomix Virtual DJ is the MP3 mixing software that targets every DJ from bedroom DJs to professional superstars such as Carl Cox, and is used everyday by millions of DJs, and in many big clubs. It features a breakthrough BeatLock engine that will keep your songs in tune and let you work your mixes incredibly faster than any other DJ. The automatic seamless loop engine and the new synchronized sampler will let you perform astounding remixes on the fly. VirtualDJ is compatible with timecoded vinyls that let you scratch your MP3s directly on a real turntable, and with many other DJ equipment. VirtualDJ will also let you mix and scratch music videos right from your turntables. You can use several interfaces to suit both beginners and professionals, record your mixes and burn them on CD, rip DVD, rip vinyl, create your own Internet radio, automatically mix playlists, use VST effects, display karaoke, and play DRMed file like Yahoo!

* Twin independent zero-latency players with:
* Standard controls (play, pause, stop, cue)
* Volume control
* Pitch control (from -34 to +34)
* 3 band equalizers with Kill + gain
* One-click beat matching and synchronisation (new FAME algorithm)
* BeatLock engine: your songs will always stay in time, and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other DJ could
* Automatic beat-matched crossfading
* On-the-fly automatic BPM calculation
* Automatic pitch matching
* Automatic level matching
* Automatic beat matching
* Dynamic beat visualizer for easy "drag'n'drop" beat-matching
* Real scratch simulation
* Virtual scratch: Scratch your mp3 with your bare hand
* Automatic beat-aware LOOP function
* Synchronised sampler with 12 instant slots
* Master Tempo pitch algorithm
* Automatic first beat and last beat detection
* Automatic 4/4 phase detection
* OSC network synchronisation
* Infinite number of beatlocked desks (local multi-instance or network)
* Infinite number of cue points saved per songs
* Beat-aware effect plugins (included: beatgrid, flippin, vocal remover, filter, flanger, backspin, brake, etc...)
* VST effects compatibility
* Video mix with TV output (mix songs and/or video clips !)
* Full karaoke support
* Proprietary of FreeFrame video effects
* Inifite number of video effect simultaneously
* DJ-adapted video transition plugins
* Song database engine with easy-to-use search feature
* CoverFlow or text-only song browsing
* Compatible with iTunes playlists
* ID3 compatibility
* Automatic "filter" folders
* Automatic Hot-Swap of external harddrives
* Ready-to-burn file recording to burn your own mixed CDs
* Broadcast on the Internet
* CD to MP3 encoder
* Optional 3D sound card, 2 sound cards or Y-splitter for real-time monitoring or external mixtable use
* ASIO soundcard compatibility
* Fully customisable (skin engine and shortcut macro enngine)
* External MIDI keyboard compatibility for shortcuts
* Compatibility with most external controllers (DMC2, DAC3, iCDX, TotalControl, BCD2000, DJConsole, etc...)
* Optional automatic mixing: Virtual DJ recognizes the style of the music (techno, hip hop, lounge) and adapt its mix in consequence

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Matrix Screen Locker -Lock Pc,download tetap jalan..

Ni adalah software utk lock screen drpd d gngu oleh org yg x d ingini apabila kita keluar. Contohnya nak keluar makan time lunch, lock la dulu supaya org x dpt check2 pc kita.

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REFOG Monitoring Software memantau aktiviti yang dilakukan dikomputer anda. Mudah dan cepat dan tidak memerlukan lain-lain peranti dari sebuah PC biasa. Tidak ada kemahiran pengawasan khusus atau latihan keselamatan yang diperlukan untuk berjaya menyediakan dan mengendalikan REFOG Monitoring Software. Merekod segala pekerjaan yang anda lakukan dan boleh dihantar terus ke Email.

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SuperEasy Video Converter 1.59 Portable

Dengan SuperEasy Video Converter anda membeli perisian video-ciptaan, yang menawarkan kekayaan yang tak tertandingi dari ciri dan pengendalian mudah. Program ini menukarkan DVD-video serta file video dari format yang berbeza paling persis standard yang anda perlukan untuk peranti anda. Bahkan lebih baik, itu download flash video dari platform seperti Youtube dan MyVideo dan menukarkan mereka ke format yang diperlukan tanpa membuang masa.

Untuk menggunakan SuperEasy Video Converter anda tidak memerlukan pengetahuan mengenai format yang disokong dan ciri-ciri pemain anda. Cukup masukkan peranti target, perisian akan mengurus sisanya dengan profil optimum ditetapkan yang ditubuhkan oleh programmer berpengalaman kami, yang telah meneliti sudut-sudut yang paling tersembunyi setiap pemain, baik yang mudah alih atau stasioner

With SuperEasy Video Converter you purchase video-creation software, which offers an unparalleled wealth of features and easy handling. The program converts DVD-videos as well as video files of most different formats to exactly the standard that you require for your device. Even better, it downloads flash videos from platforms like Youtube and MyVideo and converts them to the required format without wasting time.

In order to use SuperEasy Video Converter you do not require any knowledge concerning the supported formats and characteristics of your player. Just enter the target device, the software will take care of the rest with optimally tuned profiles set up by our experienced programmers, who have explored the most hidden corners of every player, whether portable or stationary.

The most important features (visible)

* Intuitive and easy to operate surface
Recording of DVD-videos (incl. single chapters), video and flash files from Internet platforms as source files to be converted
* Direct video download from sites like Youtube, Google Video, Clipfish, MyVideo, VideoTube, MySpace, Metacafe, Sevenload, iFilm, and dailymotion - with or without converting
* Integrated preview of files to be converted
* Detailed display of files to be converted
* Setting of cut markers: only convert what you want to see
* Splitting of videos for memory card players or other devices with limited storage space

The most important features (invisible)
* Use of latest, state-of-the-art compression technologies
* Integrated profiles, which are optimally adjusted to the respective player and bring the best possible results - no need for the user to agonize over encoding options, aspect ratio or incompatibility
* Comprehensive decoder equipment for reading all popular video formats plus less common standards

Supported Devices & Profiles
At present the SuperEasy Video Converter creates videos for the following devices:
iPod Video, iPhone, iPod Nano and iPod touch.
Playstation PSP and Sony Walkman
Sony Playstation PS3
Nintendo Wii
Xbox 360
Windows Mobile compatible devices (Pocket PCs, Micorosft Zune and others)
Flash videos (flv files) e.g. for homepages and video platforms
Mobile phones (MP4- or 3GP-compatible)
NEW! DVD Player with MPEG2 (DVD or SVCD compatible), MPEG4 as avi (DivX and Xvid compatible) and MPEG4 as mp4 (Nero Digital compatible)

Multi Standard Compatibility
The software recognizes and converts the following formats (among others):
unprotected Video-DVDs
Nero Digital
High Definition Video Material (as .mpeg or .ts files)
High Definition Video (HDV)
WMV files
MPEG1 and MPEG2 files
nearly all MPEG4 files
nearly all h.264 files
mobile phone videos (3gp or mp4)
Flash Video files (.flv)
and many more...


From Mie1112

USB Safely Remove v. (x32/x64/ML)

USB Safely Remove v. (x32/x64/ML) - Silent Install WinApp | USB Safely Remove v. (x32/x64/ML) - Silent Install | 5.70 Mb

USB Safely Remove is a utility for effortless and speedy disconnection of any removable devices. Not only does it save time, but it ensures that all data remains on a device when it is unplugged. Safely Remove is a system utility designed for quick and safely stopping USB Flash Drives connected to your computer. With this utility you can safely stop and remove USB Flash Drives much faster then using "Safely remove hardware"" icon in the system tray. FEATURES:
*Unlimited number of processes to launch
You may specify to launch any number of processes for specified event. For example you may setup launching a backup of the drive before stopping and following disomounting of a TrueCrypt volume
*Optional command line parameters
You may pass such device parameters as drive letter, drive label, device PNP name into the process command line via parameter templates (e.g. this command line will browse a drive in Explorer on device connection: explorer.exe %DriveLetter%)
*New events to launch programs
Now programs can be launched after device plugging, before device stopping, after device stopping and after device removing
*Global autorun
You can setup a program to be launched not only for certain device, but for all hotplug devices in the system
One click templates!
Dislike reading boring documentation, but interested in one of the following things?
* Browsing a drive with Explorer or Total Commander on device connection
* Scanning a device for viruses on its connection
* Making automatic backup of a flash-drive folder
* Automatic mounting and dismounting a TrueCrypt volume stored on a device
What's new in USB Safely Remove v
- The "Device power off after its stopping" feature was added.
- Sometimes Windows restarts its native safely remove service and the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon appears in the system tray even if an option "Replace native Safely Remove Hardware Icon" is checked.
- ClearType font support was added.
- The old USB Safely Remove Icon has been improved.
- We added an option "Don't show this message again" to the "Stop all visible devices" dialog box.
- If the taskbar was placed on the left-hand side of display, the card-reader menu appeared outside of display. Fixed.
- Sometimes before the USB device stopping didn't show the message, which has to report about devices connected to the same USB-hub as the stopped device.
- Incorrect behavior of some main program options, such as "Stop Immediately" "Drive letter manager" window etc., was fixed.
- The program didn't work on Windows 2000. Fixed.
- Bosnian translation was added.
- We also made some user interface improvements.
========== Hotfile

Adobe Photoshop 7.0 + Serial

Adobe Photoshop 7.0 + Serial
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 + Serial
Size: 153.6 Mb
Mixed-media professionals such as photographers, Web designers, and graphic designers will not be disappointed in Adobels latest incarnation of Photoshop. In this release, Adobe aims hard at addressing the issues of file management, easy photo retouching, and smarter output for the Web. While Adobe manages to successfully address these issues, it also remains true to its photo editing roots. New and improved features and tools such as a painting option and an enhanced brush palette allow Photoshop to build on its reputation as the leading tool for image manipulators. New-school designers of wireless applications will smile when they discover that Photoshop 7.0 offers support for WBMP-formatted graphics.

Photoshop 7.0s new file management system comes in the form of a Windows Explorer-like file browser that allows users to easily sort and locate their images within various projects. Users can now organize projects by name, date, resolution, and a number of additional parameters.

The enhanced brush palette allows users to create custom brushes and save them as presets that can be accessed from the Tools options bar. Users can easily vary different aspects of the brush by changing the hue, opacity, or flow of the brushes for pastels, oils, and charcoal. Photoshop 7.0 also introduces a new Healing Brush and Patch Tool. With these tools, users can easily heal their images by removing scratches, blemishes, and other imperfections while preserving shading, lighting, and texture attributes.

Adobe has taken great strides in revamping Photoshop 7.0 to be more Web-ready than ever before. With the help of its companion software Image Ready, users can now easily create rollovers and complex navigation bars by using the new Rollovers palette. Additional Web-ready features include enhanced Web export functions that allow designers to preview images designed for PDAs and mobile phones in the WBMP format. Users can easily create a slide show of their images and post online using the new Web Gallery. People concerned about posting their images online can secure their images with the new password protection feature before sharing them.

Adobe has finally introduced a long overdue spell checker with wicked multilingual spell-checking capabilities. A new search and replace feature allows users to search and replace across different layers in the same document.

While Photoshop 7.0 introduces an impressive array of features that allow photographers, Web designers, and graphic designers to work more effectively with Web and wireless devices, it also remains the leading tool for anyone serious about digital imaging. No other software package provides users with the ability to create such high-quality images.

This is my personal favorite version of photoshop. Just extract all of the files into the same directory and run the setup.exe. The serial number is in the SERIAL.txt. Enjoy!

Download Link Here

GetDataBack for FAT-NTFS 4.20 Portable | 8.00 Mb

GetDataBack for FAT-NTFS 4.20 Portable | 8.00 Mb
Data Recovery Software for NT file systems - GetDataBack is a highly advanced data recovery software, which will help you to get your data back when your drive's partition table, boot record, Master File Table or root directory is corrupt or lost, when a virus has hit the drive, files were deleted, the drive was formatted or struck by a power failure. GetDataBack comes in two flavours, NTFS and FAT depending on what file system you have.

GetDataBack will recover your data if the hard drive's partition table, boot record, FAT/MFT or root directory are lost or damaged, data was lost due to a virus attack, the drive was formatted, fdisk has been run, a power failure has caused a system crash, files were lost due to a software failure, files were accidentally deleted...
GetDataBack can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by Windows. It can likewise be used even if all directory information - not just the root directory- is missing. GetDataBack can even recover your data when the drive is no longer recognized by Windows. It can likewise be used even if all directory information - not just the root directory- is missing.

The tool works at partition level and will restore files and folders exactly how they used to be. It recovers data from floppy and ZIP disks, drive images and even remote drives connected by a serial cable or TCP/IP. As the name says, it restores files from FAT/ NTFS disks - file system used by Windows NT/2000/XP, yet works on all Windows systems. Make sure you never install the program on the to-be-recovered drive and you will never lose important data.

Advanced algorithms will make sure that all directories and sub directories are put together as they were, and that long file names are reconstructed correctly. GetDataBack is read-only, meaning the program will never attempt to write to the drive you are about to recover. Please make sure to read the safety instructions...

The software enables the regular user to conduct his own data recovery by guiding him through three easy to understand steps, thus gives the advanced user the possibility to interfere with the recovery and improve the results, by examining the scan log, the file system details, file and directory information, by selecting the sector range to be scanned, by choosing excessive search for file systems or search for lost files, by calling Runtime's DiskExplorer.

Recover files over your local network or over a serial cable - This feature enables you to run GetDataBack on one computer ("remote") while accessing the drives of another computer ("host"). Recovering data over a network is useful, especially when you are not able to remove the drive you want to recover from and attach it to another computer.

GetDataBack recovers from:
* Hard drives (IDE, SCSI, SATA)
* USB drives
* Firewire drives
* Partitions
* Dynamic Disks
* Floppy drives
* Drive images
* Zip/Jaz drive
* Compact Flash Cards
* Smart Media Cards
* Secure Digital Cards
* USB Flash Drive
* iPod Disks

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Perfect Photo Suite 5.5 Plug-ins for Photoshop with keygen

Perfect Photo Suite 5.5 Plug-ins for Photoshop with keygen-WD
Perfect Photo Suite 5.5 Plug-ins for Photoshop with keygen-WD| 1.82 GB

Tested and working on Windows 7 32bit and Photoshop CS5. I haven't tried other Windows or Photoshop versions.

Big thanks to Red Team for their great work!

Big thanks to Red Team for their great work!

This suite includes:
Mask Pro 4.1.9b
PhotoFrame 4.6 Pro
Perfect Resize 7 Pro
PhotoTune 3.0.5
PhotoTools 2.6 Pro
FocalPoint 2.0.4

Download: Windows with keygen.part1.rar Windows with keygen.part2.rar Windows with keygen.part3.rar Windows with keygen.part4.rar Windows with keygen.part5.rar Windows with keygen.part6.rar Windows with keygen.part7.rar Windows with keygen.part8.rar

Mirror 1 : Windows with keygen.part1.rar Windows with keygen.part2.rar Windows with keygen.part3.rar Windows with keygen.part4.rar Windows with keygen.part5.rar Windows with keygen.part6.rar Windows with keygen.part7.rar Windows with keygen.part8.rar